An Environmentally Friendly Use of Natural Resources
Our unceasing pursuit of quality and innovation is an essential basis for the success of our company. In all our activities, we take the impact on the environment into consideration, conserve resources, and are committed to reducing emissions. This applies not only to our own production processes, but to those of our customers as well.
We use new technologies to develop environmentally friendly products with the aim of increasing the benefits for our customers. We are committed to the efficient use of all resources. Our company is certified in accordance with a number of quality and environmental standards and is fully committed to future-oriented management.
Meeting the Challenge of Climate Protection
The lime industry is of course especially affected by the current debate on climate protection and the associated planned restrictions on CO2 emissions. More than two thirds of our CO2 emissions occur as a result of production processes and basic chemical laws; barely one third is caused by the high-temperature production process. As a company with regional responsibility, we continually invest in new technologies designed to protect the environment and conserve resources. We are both proactive and innovative in our efforts to halt climate change.
We also remain in constant contact with numerous independent testing and monitoring organisations: the Technical Control Board (TÜV Austria), the Research Association for Environmental Engineering (FTU), and the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES).
Our Employees are the Key to our Success
Our employees are actively involved in the company with their knowledge, expertise and personal commitment. They receive support and encouragement and contribute their skills and qualifications, working together to develop the Lime Business Segment and our high quality products. Ensuring their health and safety is always an essential factor in our work, be it in our factories or while transporting or processing our products.
• We use the procedures and methods of our tried and tested standardised quality and environmental management systems to monitor and document the defined objectives.
• We take all the necessary precautions to ensure that our contractual partners (subcontractors, suppliers) working on our premises act in accordance with our environmental policy.
• These guidelines are reviewed and adapted annually as part of our environmental audits and the environmental management review.