Lime is one of Wietersdorfer’s five Business Segments
This segment comprises:
• InterCal Austria GmbH, headquartered in Klagenfurt with its registered office and plant in Peggau
• InterCal Croatia d.o.o. in Sirac and Ličko Lešće/Croatia and
• InterCal Slovenija d.o.o. in Zagorje and zidani Most, Slovenia
From 1893 limestone has been excavated in Peggau a few years subsequently calcined there in shaft kilns and has been ever since. The plant was acquired in 1949, however, the initial focus was on cement production. Lime production was discontinued in 1956 and the shaft kilns were decommissioned. Wietersdorfer did not resume lime production until the takeover of Steirische Montan GmbH in 1993. The Lime business grew in importance with the compa-ny’s participation in the Slovenian Salonit Group; the Kamen Sirac plants – the present-day Intercal (Croatia) and IGM Zagorje (Slovenia) plants – were added to the Group. The restruc-turing of Wietersdorfer’s activities into five business segments has made Lime an independent business that is rapidly assuming greater significance. Finally, a new but by no means final chapter in the history of lime is being written with the commissioning of the state-of-the-art Maerz PFR kiln in Peggau.
Our Vision
We aim to establish a strong and sustainable position in the lime and limestone production market in the region ranging from the Alps to the Black Sea.
We are market leader in our core region.
Drawing on the expertise and dedication of our highly qualified and experienced staff, we build stable partnerships with our customers and strive continuously to exceed their expecta-tions.
We aim to secure full control over our raw material sources.
Our Mission
Our actions are defined by operational flexibility and strong customer orientation.
As a partner, we supply our customers with high-quality limestone and lime products and pro-vide innovative solutions.
Sustainability, reliability and trustworthiness are the key factors to our success.
All our activities are based on operational flexibility and a personal approach to customer service.